Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Omnitica - Goodbye (feat. Paulina Westlund)

Available on Spotify: Yes Here

I love Omnitica because of how unique their songs are. They use instruments that you would not normally see in most dubstep such as flutes and violins. This song has a nice easy feel to it. It doesnt smack you in the face like other dubstep songs do. It doesn't lack power however, the chorus section is still gritty and tight. This song sounds like they took an old folk song and added some modern dubstep to it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Terravita - Total Solar Eclipse

Available on Spotify: No Here

I found this song while stumbling around dubstep pages on youtube. This song hooked me with its unique building introduction. Which they made great use of synths to help build you to the drop. Once the drop hits my sub sitting on my desk started moving around my desk. The bass drum hits are heavy and what you would want. But dont expect the melody to change much after the drop. It slows down a bit and goes right back to the same melody. All in all though this song just sounds awesome, not much variety but the main melody is enough to keep you hooked and wanting to listen to the song over and over.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Savant - Ninur

Available on Spotify: Yes Here

I gotta say, I've heard nothing like this song. Its gritty and yet melodic. It karate chops its way through the song, every two seconds there is something new to hear. From soft melody to booming dubstep to even a chicken yelp. Ear turrets is how I would put it. But don't let that scare you away. Its melody as busy as it sounds, really flows nicely. Each new part leads into the next. Pleasant but busy. It's so hard to find songs with this much originality.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Ry Legit - Sweety Man

Available on Spotify: Yes Here

This song always gets stuck in my head "Is the sweety man coming" and its very distinct opening drop. I personally love this song. It's heavier then most and just shows the pure raw power of dubstep. This song has showed up in numerous "Most Brutal Dubstep Drops" lists I've browsed through. This songs line "Is the sweety man coming" is taken from the movie District 9. Ry Legit's album Ry Legit Dubstep LP features songs with lines from Toy Story (Buzz Lightyear), The Shining, and Requiem for a Dream to name a few. So if you love heavy dubstep and movies, Ry Legit is the guy to listen to.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Unison - Knife Party Remix (Porter Robinson)

Available on Spotify: Yes Porter Robinson
                Knife Party

 I have listened to this song non-stop for quite a while now. The way I feel about it is it's an ever-changing cornucopia of sound. Its one of the most progressive dubstep songs I've heard thus far. The upbeat beginning makes you want to get up and dance, the legato synths enter changing the mood of the song completely. Then the tempo gradually speeds up and i'm hooked.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Scream (VIP Mix) - Terabyte Frenzy

Available on Spotify: Yes Here

This is one of the first songs I added to my spotify library. It caught me off guard with his very melodic piano intro. I was thinking along the lines of drum and bass rather than dubstep, then all the sudden a piercing screech rises out of no where the familiar wub wubs hit my ear and i thought you know what "I can dig it". Been one of my favorite songs ever since. DROP THAT BASS LINE!

A Brief Tutorial On VIP Production - Dubba Jonny

Available on Spotify: Yes Here

Dubba Jonny comes back with an even heavier version of his tutorial on production. He calls it A Brief Tutorial On VIP Production and for those of you who may not know a VIP production or even a song with VIP or VIP Remix in the title means that the artist went back and remixed his own song for the album. This song pretty much made a Mind=Blown moment when i stumbled upon it in my search. It pretty much showed me that not all good dubstep has to sound "like skrillex" for lack of a better example. Dirty, rotten, filthy, dubstep!

A Brief Tutorial On Dubstep Production - Dubba Jonny

Available on Spotify: Yes Here

I don't think there is any other song that I have found that would be as good as this one. I starts out explaining the basic fundamentals of dubstep then evolving into a bad ass monster of a song.