Friday, April 20, 2012

Ry Legit - Sweety Man

Available on Spotify: Yes Here

This song always gets stuck in my head "Is the sweety man coming" and its very distinct opening drop. I personally love this song. It's heavier then most and just shows the pure raw power of dubstep. This song has showed up in numerous "Most Brutal Dubstep Drops" lists I've browsed through. This songs line "Is the sweety man coming" is taken from the movie District 9. Ry Legit's album Ry Legit Dubstep LP features songs with lines from Toy Story (Buzz Lightyear), The Shining, and Requiem for a Dream to name a few. So if you love heavy dubstep and movies, Ry Legit is the guy to listen to.

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